This is a True Love Story.

December 8, 2010

Ned and Nightmares

So most people have nightmares of terrible dark things like zombies taking over the world, or an axe murderer chasing them around in a dark field, or being naked in a room full of people. My nightmares consist of Ned and me getting into car accidents. They're not like normal fender benders or the classic T-bone. These "accidents" are no accident at all. They are monumental kamikaze demons of devastation that chase Ned and I down looking for fresh blood and gasoline! Now I'm about to attempted to explain one of my nightmares, which is very difficult since nothing in my mind makes sense normally during the day. My apologies before hand for any confusion.

Ned and I were driving along on a road I don't recognize in real life. Just some random road my mind created for this doomed dream. It was very dark out, but there were a bunch of other cars on this road which, I also might add, had no street lights. I was in the left lane when all of a sudden next to me and Ned, these two cars were speeding around, changing lanes right next to each other, driving recklessly. I thought they were racing each other on the road, or chasing each other, but either way I wanted no part of them and wanted them away from Ned, so we started to slow down. Now I'm not too sure what happened next but the one car got ahead of Ned and the other behind him, and the one behind I think sped up and the other in front slowed down, threw it in reverse into Ned and then the crash... we were on the side of the road and the guy got out and was saying it was my fault, and saying even though he did it on purpose, insurance will read it as a my fault because Ned's nose hit the demon car's backside. Then I looked at my beloved. His nose was all mashed up, and there was hardly even a scratch on the other guys car. An unrealistic car accident where only Ned is injured, and its blamed on us when its not our fault; That is a nightmare. Luckily I woke up, went outside and touched Ned and his nose to make sure that a nightmare was all it was.

That was just one of the many car "accident" nightmares I've had. Here's a video of another right after I woke up from it.
I have also realized I hardly make any sense right after I wake up. Again, my apologies.

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