This is a True Love Story.

November 24, 2010

Car show > Stereo show

So this is the footage from our first trip out to a car show with Ned in his new paint. A little bit about it before you watch:

I was filming/driving so you get to essentially see what I did, as I do when I'm in Ned. The camera I overpaid for has this fun quality of going absolutely blurry with out warning, and I dealt with that the whole drive so I figured you guys would definitely need to see a little bit of that to understand my comical frustration.

Then after driving about 20 mins we discovered that the location we once use to go to for car shows had changed a great deal. Once a place packed with radical companions, constant new comers and goers, roaring motors had now become a barren waste land, leaving those crappy Bentley look a-likes to take over, ruining everything.

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