This is a True Love Story.

June 4, 2010

A gas station situation.

So yesterday before heading out for a half hour date, Ned was thirsty and needed some 89 in his system. First gas station I pulled into was receiving gas from the big gas truck, and so option A was out. I didn't want all that junk from the station getting put into Ned's tank and clogging him up. Next station, I say " 20 on 89 please." He's like "Ah only regular,... you want that?" Did I say regular? No! Ned only drinks 89, and switching fuel types is BAD NEWS. Moron just wanted my 20 bucks, and to possibly injure Ned, so I responded " No way man." and punched it out of there. I'm no moron, but he might of been. Station number 3. I get out to greet the guy and say again " 20 on 89 please," and he says "isthisjourdadscar?" I responded "Excuse me?" because it was 100% jibberish coming from a 6'1 fellow. He says again, "Is dis jor Dad'z cars?" and now I'm beyond bothered because what this man meant to say was "Is this your Dad's car?" I take the gas cap, and said "No, he's mine." I then walked to the pump and pumped my own gas at full serve with the moronically insulting attendent standing right next to me.

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