This is a True Love Story.

May 29, 2010

Nervous Ned

I am constantly worried about Ned. I triple check if I lock the doors, park miles away so people would have to really go out of their way to hurt him, thus making it less likely. I have these daymares of people intentionally fucking with him, and nightmares of people stealing him, and my sister totaling him. I'm a paranoid to the point of no reason; it's love, obsessive love. I figure I'm overly protective because if someone comes up to Ned, and wants to key him or kick him, he can't protect himself from them. I'd feel awful if someone did that, and I wouldn't be able to get redemption for him on the anonymous assailant. He's protected me in my car accidents. I owe it to him to do the same, but not only owe, I want to because I care about him.

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