This is a True Love Story.

February 2, 2011

!New Site!

I am Happy to say that this is the last post on this blog. Not that Blogger hasn't been a happy home for us, but Ned and I are taking a step into the big leagues. We now have our own website, that looks, sounds, feels and IS us. If there was something you liked in this blog, don't worry. It's been carried over into our new site. All you have to do is search for it, in our signal search bar.
Thanks so much to blogger and everyone who followed with us!
To got to the new site click the link below.

Beautys Got Muscle

December 8, 2010

Ned and Nightmares

So most people have nightmares of terrible dark things like zombies taking over the world, or an axe murderer chasing them around in a dark field, or being naked in a room full of people. My nightmares consist of Ned and me getting into car accidents. They're not like normal fender benders or the classic T-bone. These "accidents" are no accident at all. They are monumental kamikaze demons of devastation that chase Ned and I down looking for fresh blood and gasoline! Now I'm about to attempted to explain one of my nightmares, which is very difficult since nothing in my mind makes sense normally during the day. My apologies before hand for any confusion.

Ned and I were driving along on a road I don't recognize in real life. Just some random road my mind created for this doomed dream. It was very dark out, but there were a bunch of other cars on this road which, I also might add, had no street lights. I was in the left lane when all of a sudden next to me and Ned, these two cars were speeding around, changing lanes right next to each other, driving recklessly. I thought they were racing each other on the road, or chasing each other, but either way I wanted no part of them and wanted them away from Ned, so we started to slow down. Now I'm not too sure what happened next but the one car got ahead of Ned and the other behind him, and the one behind I think sped up and the other in front slowed down, threw it in reverse into Ned and then the crash... we were on the side of the road and the guy got out and was saying it was my fault, and saying even though he did it on purpose, insurance will read it as a my fault because Ned's nose hit the demon car's backside. Then I looked at my beloved. His nose was all mashed up, and there was hardly even a scratch on the other guys car. An unrealistic car accident where only Ned is injured, and its blamed on us when its not our fault; That is a nightmare. Luckily I woke up, went outside and touched Ned and his nose to make sure that a nightmare was all it was.

That was just one of the many car "accident" nightmares I've had. Here's a video of another right after I woke up from it.
I have also realized I hardly make any sense right after I wake up. Again, my apologies.

November 28, 2010

Thank you Theresa

Everyday we're getting older, and I look back and think, What do I have to show for my life so far? I'm 22 years old which is young to some, and a long time to others. I kept thinking and dreaming about the things I'm going to be doing in the future until one day my ideas of life were changed without warning.

It's taken me a while to write about this, but I owe it to her and to those who loved her to do so.

This past August the world and myself lost a good friend and an inspirational person. Theresa Durso was so much more than anything I could ever write to describe her, and God, I never thought I'd be without her to have too. Everyday that she was here, she lived, and when I say lived I mean that she saw every moment as an opportunity at a happy and fun memory. I believe that life is full of challenges, testing our courage, our spirits, and our strength. She faced every one of those challenges with the exact same contagious smile and laugh we all knew, making her one of the people I will revere and be forever grateful for having in my life.
Not only did Theresa teach me how to love laughing at myself, but she taught me to not be afraid to be exactly who you are by example, regardless of what the world thinks. She showed me this in High school of all times, when so many teens are so self conscious and always concerned with what others think of them. Theresa was not at all that way. She knew who she was and was herself 100% everyday. My favorite memories of high school are of her and Nicole in the hallways staging fake fights over a water bottle, or passing their books right in front of people so they all fall on the floor, or stealing random peoples hats. They did these awkward silly things for the reactions and laughs, and I'd be in tears from laughing, late to my next class. I remember saying to them that I couldn't wait to see them at the high school reunion acting the same exact way. Not once did I ever think we'd be where we are today.
I went from shocked, to heartbroken, to wildly enraged at the world and doctors and God, and then to hollow where there was nothing. But then I realized, Life isn't predictable and just when you think you've got it figured out, it flips upside down on you. Its always a coin toss, of good and bad. So the way I figure it is, enjoy the good, and grow from the bad and when times are tough remember that family and friends are the miracles you're looking for.
Even now Theresa keeps giving back to us, reminding me that we have so much to be grateful for. And now I realized, why wait to do the dreams I have down the road? What's wrong with right now? Why not live while I'm living? I'm not getting any younger, and neither is Ned.

So ladies and gentlemen its official. Ned and I are starting our 1st cross country trip in 2011.

Thank you Theresa.
Love and miss you

November 24, 2010

Car show > Stereo show

So this is the footage from our first trip out to a car show with Ned in his new paint. A little bit about it before you watch:

I was filming/driving so you get to essentially see what I did, as I do when I'm in Ned. The camera I overpaid for has this fun quality of going absolutely blurry with out warning, and I dealt with that the whole drive so I figured you guys would definitely need to see a little bit of that to understand my comical frustration.

Then after driving about 20 mins we discovered that the location we once use to go to for car shows had changed a great deal. Once a place packed with radical companions, constant new comers and goers, roaring motors had now become a barren waste land, leaving those crappy Bentley look a-likes to take over, ruining everything.

September 12, 2010

No brakes, don't speed. Stop the car, and let's bleed.

You know the saying, 'you never appreciate what you have till its gone? Well when it comes to brakes I could not agree more.

It is a petrifying situation. Pushing the pedal all the way down to the ground and having 0% response.
There we were.
3 towns away from home, and no brakes.

I believe in the 'no man left behind' motto so there was no chance I was leaving Ned anywhere and having him towed home.

So, true to our heroic lifestyle, we crawled the whole way home using back roads, avoiding death, and other cars laughing at us.

I'd also like to add that I think the world has forgotten to acknowledge hazard lights in the appropriate manner. For the love of God, if you see a car with those two signals flashing, be courteous to them. You wouldn't run right in front of a person in a wheel chair or crutches and then suddenly stop creating an obstacle for them, AND possibly causing a pedestrian accident. So why in the hell do it when the danger level is taken up a few notches?

Once Ned and I were back home safe we found the problem. The master cylinder had lived a good long life, but that was the end of it. So the next day we took a trip to Pepboys got the new/rebuilt part. Turns out if you take the core out, and bring it in to Pepboys, they give you a rebuilt one for 15 bucks. A pretty tits deal since you have to remove the core anyway.

Jude recommended we bleed out the brake fluid since this will probably be Ned's first time in his life, and news flash to those unaware: Brake fluid goes bad with time regardless of what bottles say, so its good to change it once in a while. Not as often as oil of course but don't let it go past 20-25 years.

So after rotating the tires, we got to work. The fluid looked like watered down brownie batter, when its suppose to be clear.

We did make one mistake though. Ned has power brakes which means when you bleed them, the car needs to be running. We had him off. An easy fix really since we just had to re-bleed them running.

But all in all, it was just another experience and now when it comes to bleeding brakes, Ned and I got this.

August 12, 2010

80mph High Five

Ned and I met some strangers on Sprain Brook Pkwy, who liked us. So I decided we should give them a high five.

August 7, 2010


Some old footage from when I was absolutely sick in January. (HD option available).

July 9, 2010

New Plates?

So my registration is almost up, and it's time to renew it. I have a few options:

  1. Keep my old plates and pay a stupid amount of money
  2. Get new plates (tits), with new numbers (bitch tits). Those of you who've seen the video understand why
  3. Get the new plates AND keep my numbers (tits & tits) and pay a whale load of money (piss & piss)
  4. OR I go ahead and get plates that say what I want (Tits.)

I'm pretty sure I've made up my mind.
If you've got any suggestions on plate names, Leave it below :)

June 23, 2010

Up and coming

Ned and I are going to be taking our first over night road trip. Big deal for us. Things we need are, but not limited to:

  • mudflaps
  • wiper blades
  • spaghettio's
  • tire pressure checked
  • oil
  • water
  • anitfreeze
  • washer fluid
  • yoohoo's
  • video camera.
Ned and I also recently went to our first car show since the new paint job. Footage soon to come. So basically more to come soon, and like wild fire its going to be uncontrollable and hot. Not really true at all. Its just going to be me and Ned, so if you like that, then I don't see you not liking this.

June 8, 2010

June 5, 2010

Bird Shit.

I for one am sick and tired of bird shit. Constantly all over Ned giving me slight arrhythmias. I'd like to know what birds' problems are with nice cars. Does the shine suddenly effect their lower intestine forcing out all of their crap? Is it a fear of beauty? At this point I've had it. I keep going outside to drive and find their white messes all over Ned's beautiful body, and I am sick of it.

Birds you've been warned.

June 4, 2010

A gas station situation.

So yesterday before heading out for a half hour date, Ned was thirsty and needed some 89 in his system. First gas station I pulled into was receiving gas from the big gas truck, and so option A was out. I didn't want all that junk from the station getting put into Ned's tank and clogging him up. Next station, I say " 20 on 89 please." He's like "Ah only regular,... you want that?" Did I say regular? No! Ned only drinks 89, and switching fuel types is BAD NEWS. Moron just wanted my 20 bucks, and to possibly injure Ned, so I responded " No way man." and punched it out of there. I'm no moron, but he might of been. Station number 3. I get out to greet the guy and say again " 20 on 89 please," and he says "isthisjourdadscar?" I responded "Excuse me?" because it was 100% jibberish coming from a 6'1 fellow. He says again, "Is dis jor Dad'z cars?" and now I'm beyond bothered because what this man meant to say was "Is this your Dad's car?" I take the gas cap, and said "No, he's mine." I then walked to the pump and pumped my own gas at full serve with the moronically insulting attendent standing right next to me.

Our Spot

Drive, date, tomate-o, tomato.

June 2, 2010

Something about Ned.

He is a very complex character, with many layers to his core. This is just a little bit about Ned. I real little bit. Like a teaspoon amount, if you need a size reference.